WAGA Constitution
1. Name
The name of the Association shall be “Walton Allotment Gardens Association “also known as the abbreviation W.A.G.A.
2. Objects / Aims
a) To manage and administrate the Seeds Lane Allotments Site for and on behalf of the owners of the site, Liverpool City Council, in accordance with any management agreement entered into between the Association and the City Council.
b) To promote the interests of all members in their gardening activities and to take joint action for the benefit of members.
c) To take action to protect members against damage, trespass, and theft.
d) To obtain Horticultural requisites as required by the members.
e) To arrange competitions, social events etc, as and when possible.
f) To cooperate with other gardening associations in matters of mutual interest.
g) To promote, help, give advice on the practice of horticulture.
h) To assist any organisation or person who wants to use a plot for horticultural purposes.
i) To be aware of the environment and green issues as far as possible.
j) To promote a culture that respects values and differences in our society at all times.
3. Membership
The Association shall consist of such persons whose applications for membership are approved by the committee, and who agree to accept and abide by the Constitution and the rules of the Association and the rules of the City Council.
A member shall cease to be a member upon:-
a) The member’s death.
b) The member’s resignation.
c) The expulsion of a member under clause 4.
d) The circumstances referred to in clauses 6 & 7.
4. Expulsion of members
Any member facing possible expulsion will be given one calendar months notice, and a letter specifying the conduct for which it is intended to expel the member shall be sent to him/her at the address entered in the register of members. They will be asked to appear before the committee at a date and time set out in the letter, and may bring with them to this meeting any other member. Appeals can be brought by any other member on behalf of the said member, provided they obtain the correct number of signatures to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (E.G.M.) and deliver the document outlining their case.
5. Register of members
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping a confidential register of members in which shall be recorded: -
a) The names and addresses of the members
b) The date at which each person was entered into the register as a member and the date at which any person ceased to be a member.
c) The names and addresses of the officers of the association and the dates on which they assumed office and ceased to be an officer.
6. Subscriptions/Arrears
Every member shall pay on entry into the association any annual subscription(s), key deposit(s), and running costs as set by the association and renewable by the 1st of January each year. Any member who has not paid his or her annual subscription(s) and rent by the date(s) set by the association shall be held to have ceased to be a member unless an explanation in writing is given to the Secretary / Committee by the date(s) set of any extenuating circumstances.
7. Termination of Membership
If a member does not wish to renew his/her subscription(s) and rent for the coming year they must notify the Secretary/Committee by the 1st of January of the New Year. Likewise if a member intends to give up his/her plot during the year they must notify the Secretary / Committee of their intentions. In both circumstances they then have 14 days in which to remove any crops or belongings from their plot. After this time the crops and belongings revert to the association. Extenuating circumstances such as illness or death shall be taken into consideration and an extended period of time over and above the 14 days may be allowed subject to Committee approval.
8. Officers
The Officers of the Association shall be the Chairperson, Assistant Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer. They shall be elected in accordance with the association rules.
9. Duties of the Officers
a) Chairperson
Chair meetings of the Committee and General Meetings.
Represent the Association at functions or meetings that they have been invited to.
b) Secretary
Day to day running of the Association.
Keep a membership list
Consult with the City Council and/or other organisations.
Prepare in consultation with the Chairperson agendas for Committee meetings and General Meetings.
Inform the members of such meetings and send or give them any notices as required.
c) Treasurer
Day to day running of the accounts.
Supervise the financial affairs of the association.
Keep proper accounts that show all monies received and paid out by the association.
Prepare any balance sheets as required for General Meetings and Committee meetings.
10. Management Committee
The affairs of the association shall be conducted by the Management Committee in charge. The Committee shall consist of no more than 12 association members. Ordinary Committee members (Non-Officers) shall retire at each A.G.M. and shall be eligible for re-election. A quorum of the Committee shall be 5 Committee Members. At all meetings of the Committee every proposal shall be decided by a majority of votes and where votes cast in any matter are equal the chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote. The Chair or Assistant Chair of the association, or if not present a chair elected by the meeting shall preside.
11. General Meetings (A.G.M. & E.G.M.)
a) Notice of General Meetings
At least 14 days’ notice in writing of every General Meeting, stating the business to be transacted at each meeting shall be sent to every member via the email address they have given us. Also, the notice will be posted on the site notice boards. Members wishing a printed version must provide the secretary with a stamped self-addressed C5 envelope
No other business relating to the rules or constitution than that stated in the notices shall be transacted at such meetings.
AOB will be permitted at the chair’s discretion, and time permitting. Matters raised under AOB not involving rule or constitution changes can be voted on
No party political or sectarian discussions shall be raised or proposed at either Committee or General Meetings.
b) Presiding Officer at General meetings
At all General Meetings the Chair or Assistant Chair of the association, or if they are not present a chair elected by the meeting shall preside.
c) Quorum at General Meetings
Unless otherwise determined by a previous General Meeting, a quorum at the General Meeting shall be nine members.
d) Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.)
The Annual General Meeting shall be at such times as the Committee or General Meeting shall decide. Nine members shall form a quorum. At the meeting the audited accounts and Secretary’s report shall be submitted and the Officers and the Management Committee elected in accordance with association rules. These being formed from amongst the members of the association by a vote of the majority of those entitled to vote. The meeting shall decide on any matters proposed by the Committee or members, in accordance with the rules of the association.
The association may from time to time decide the period for which members of the Committee shall hold office, the order in which they shall retire and whether upon retirement they shall be eligible for re-election. If any Officer or Committee member shall die, resign, be removed or become unfit to act, the Committee may fill the vacancy until the next A.G.M., unless the vacancy has already been filled at an E.G.M.
e) Extraordinary General Meeting (E.G.M.)
Extraordinary General Meetings shall be called whenever the Committee think expedient or upon the written request of at least twenty members. Should the Secretary fail to convene an
E.G.M. within four weeks after delivery of such a requisition, the members signing the requisition may convene such meetings by giving such notice as is mentioned in clause 11 a).
12. Voting at General Meeting
Every full member present at a General Meeting and not otherwise disqualified shall have one vote and where votes cast in any matter are equal the Chair shall have a casting vote (excluding votes where a ¾ majority is required). Associate Members shall not have a right to vote on issues affecting members, unless they have been voted onto the committee at an AGM/EGM (as per rule 2)
13. Removal from Office
Any Officer of the association or member of the committee may be removed at any time by a resolution of the majority of the members present at any General Meeting called for that purpose, which may proceed to fill the vacancy.
14. Finances
The Committee shall open a bank account in the name of the association and all monies received from any source on behalf of the association shall be paid into such account. In order to support its aims the association may:-
Raise money
Seek funding
Take out insurance
Open bank accounts as required.
15. Verifiers
Two verifiers who are not Officers of the association shall be elected in accordance with association rules.
16. Affiliation
Membership of a National representative body may be applied for and it shall be a condition of membership to agree to pay such annual affiliation contributions as may be described. The management committee shall decide whether to join a national body and which organisation shall represent the association and its members.
17. Dissolution
The association may at any time resolve to dissolve itself by consent of three fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting. Any funds and/or assets owned by the association at time of liquidation shall be either donated to other allotment societies or associations in Liverpool, and/or be donated to a registered charity, as agreed and voted upon by the members of the association.
18. Copies of the Constitution
A copy of the constitution shall be displayed in a clear and prominent place on the site at all times. A copy shall be posted or delivered by the Secretary to any person on demand if requested for a sum to be decided by the committee.
19. Amendment of Constitution
This Constitution may be amended by resolution of a three fourths majority at a General Meeting. Copies are also sent to all new members with email addresses. Also, all members with email addresses receive updated copies after the AGM/EGM if the constitution has been changed or amended at said meeting
Last amended 19th February 2023
Chairperson Mr W. O’Brien Secretary Mr I. WatlingTreasurer Ms B White