The weather in February can be very changeable

The weather in February can be very changeable. Provided the ground is not frozen or too wet to work complete your winter digging and incorporate as much organic matter as you can.
• Sow seeds indoors to raise seedlings for planting out in spring
• Plant shallots and garlic
• Chit seed potatoes, make sure you have purchased all the seed potatoes you need by the end of this month
• Dig over your plot and add plenty of well rotted organic material
• Force rhubarb, covering crowns should stimulate them into producing an early crop
Sow or plant
in February
Broad beans - sow directly outside
Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and sprouting broccoli - sow first early varieties under glass to plant out in April or May
Lettuces - for crops ready to harvest in May and June sow indoors this month, thin out seedlings and plant in cold frames next month.
Spinach - for an early crop in April or May sow a fast growing variety indoors and plant out in March
Tomatoes and Cucumbers - if your raising plants for a greenhouse sow seeds indoors now. to ensure germination use a heated propagator then maintain the temperature at a minimum of 21C